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(default) 3 queries took 0 ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
1SELECT `Connection`.`id`, `Connection`.`name`, `Connection`.`liens` FROM `comfexorg`.`connections` AS `Connection` WHERE `Connection`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1110
2SELECT `Connection`.`id`, `Connection`.`name`, `Connection`.`liens` FROM `comfexorg`.`connections` AS `Connection` WHERE `Connection`.`id` = 2 LIMIT 1110
3SELECT `Contact`.`contact_id`, `Contact`.`name`, `Contact`.`adresse`, `Contact`.`tel1`, `Contact`.`tel2`, `Contact`.`fax`, `Contact`.`email`, `Contact`.`nom_map`, `Contact`.`geolocalisation`, (`I18n___name`.`content`) AS `Contact__i18n__name`, (`I18n___adresse`.`content`) AS `Contact__i18n__adresse` FROM `comfexorg`.`contacts` AS `Contact` INNER JOIN `comfexorg`.`i18n` AS `I18n___name` ON (`Contact`.`contact_id` = `I18n___name`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n___name`.`model` = 'Contact' AND `I18n___name`.`field` = 'name' AND `I18n___name`.`locale` = 'fra') INNER JOIN `comfexorg`.`i18n` AS `I18n___adresse` ON (`Contact`.`contact_id` = `I18n___adresse`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n___adresse`.`model` = 'Contact' AND `I18n___adresse`.`field` = 'adresse' AND `I18n___adresse`.`locale` = 'fra') WHERE 1 = 1000